United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County works to increase essential resources to financially unstable individuals and families in crisis.
For individuals and families in crisis or emergency situations, access to Basic Needs is not always available. By funding programs that work directly with individuals and families in need of temporary assistance, United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County is helping residents gain access to goods and services that help meet basic necessities of life. For a family living on the edge, this might mean assistance with a utility bill, or access to a food pantry with healthy and nutritious food choices, or a voucher to buy clothing for their school-age children. For a senior living alone, these programs provide transportation to obtain vital prescriptions, or a hot, fresh meal every day.
As of 2018, 14% of the households in greater Baytown and Chambers County were below the poverty level. Another 33% of households were above the federal poverty level, but still below the local cost of living (ALICE households), making programs dedicated to food, shelter, clothing, and transportation vital to the community. Although these funded programs have existed previously, the COVID-19 pandemic brought these needs to the forefront and emphasized the importance of dedicating a focus area to basic necessities of life. With your support, United Way is building a stronger tomorrow for the community.
Funding Objective: Residents of our community will have access to goods and services that help meet basic necessities of life.
Making An Impact:
Hearts and Hands is a Client Choice Food Pantry, working to alleviate hunger in Baytown and Chambers County. Through their programs they are able to distribute millions of food to those in need each year.
Client Story:
"My name is Victoria Jennings, I’m a young adult who recently moved back to the US and I’m living with a family friend. Since I was born in the US, my citizenship is here, but I have lived with my family in Trinidad & Tobago as long as I can remember.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, I had to leave my family and come back to America. Honestly, I do not know anyone here and little about navigating the social services system. I have started working part-time through Workforce, yet it is so difficult to make ends meet. I was introduced to Hearts and Hands of Baytown three months ago and their services are incredible! They were even able to refer me to the Marcelous Williams Resource Center to help me secure food stamps. Their help means so much to me and now I have enough food for myself, and my food budget can be put toward other expenses.
Hearts and Hands is such a welcoming environment, there’s a mix of all age groups and cultures so no matter who you are, you feel comfortable. Being so far from home and family it means just a little bit more to walk through the door and be cared for."
The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
The Bridge offers support, safety, and preventative service that work to prevent domestic and sexual violence. They provide a variety of services including crisis intervention, a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter (at Pasadena location only), safety planning, housing assessments, community education, primary prevention, case management, hospital accompaniments, court and police accompaniments, licensed on-site daycare , counseling, support groups, parenting classes, money management and life skills.
The following is an example of a client story from their program:
"The Bridge over Troubled Waters assisted a 37-year-old female that had experienced physical and verbal abuse by her boyfriend. The Baytown Advocate assisted the client by informing her of her rights as victim and advocating for these rights within law enforcement, the education system and other community services. The client was assisted with VINE, ACP and CVC and was provided peer support to empower her to make the decisions that were right for her and her family. The client was seven months pregnant and The Bridge assisted her in finding medical services. Because she left the situation the survivor was struggling financially not able to pay her rent because he was the her only source if income. But with the support of the Bridge has been able to secure a job at a local restaurant and also sell her homemade food.
The client came to The Bridge Over Troubled Waters for support and was referred to legal programs, free counseling sessions, support groups as well as financial education. The Bridge also provided the client with a food box supply, toiletries, and community resources . This client expressed so much gratitude to the Bridge and stated “Thank you so much, me and my baby have a chance now.”
Meals on Wheels supports our community by providing hot meals every day to homebound seniors who might otherwise not be able to eat. Through the work of volunteers and a dedicated staff, they are able to deliver over 300 meals a day to those in need.
The following is a client story:
A gentleman called right before closing on a Friday and sounded a little desperate for meals. Upon assessment, he said he had only bologna left in fridge no bread or anything else. He also said, he was disabled and couldn't make it to store and hadn't eaten in days. In addition to not having any money to buy any groceries, he said that his food stamps weren't deposited due to him missing call for appointment and not being computer savvy to reapply. After completing our application and determining eligibility, we delivered a meal and some groceries to assist him for a couple of days. He said "Thank you so much. I didn't know what I would have done without you. I have tried everything that I am capable of doing myself being wheelchair bound. I would have starved over the weekend since no one cares about me and I don't have any family here." This statement, living conditions and physical impediment is a common situation we deal with here at Meals on Wheels. We are glad to have made a difference in not only this gentleman life but anyone that has similar problem which unfortunately is real common in the senior population.