Requirements to Become a Funded Partner
United Way GBACC remains a leader in tackling complex issues in our community, bringing together community partners to help solve them. We provide resources and funding to nonprofits whose strategies align with ours and invite nonprofit organizations that are outstanding in our funding areas to consider applying for grants through our funding opportunities. We place special emphasis on local programs and initiatives that are within our three focus areas of basic needs, education, and health.
In order to apply, applicant agencies must:
- Be a non-profit, 501(c)3 (federally tax-exempt) organization (i.e. non-profit organizations, governmental entities, educational institutions)
- All recipient of services must be residents of either Greater Baytown or Chambers County and fall in one of the following service area zip codes :77520, 77521, 77522, 77562, 77514, 77560, 77580, 77661, 77665, 77523, 77597
- Programs must provide human services, and must align with the strategic funding targets of the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County.
- The program must be implemented between July 2024 and June 2025.
- Applicant must be able to provide current, clean financial documentation, appropriate to the agency by size. All financial documents must be prepared by a certified CPA.
Applicant agencies are encouraged to review the funding objectives and reporting structures below before applying for funding through United Way of Greater Baytown and Chambers County. Funding for programs through the Community Impact Grant is competitive, and based on information submitted. All proposals are reviewed and approved by community volunteers and donors, and the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County Board of Directors.
Each Community Impact grant is one year, starting July 2024 through June 2025.
First time applicants are required to attend a Grant Cycle Orientation before gaining access to the application database.
2024 - 2025 Grant Cycle
The 2023 -2024 Grant Cycle application will open on November 1st, 2023.
The application review process is managed by the United Way team, but conducted by community volunteers and donors. All decisions regarding application status and funding awards are final and will not be subject to review after the decision is made final by the Board of Directors.
Applicants must adhere to the following deadlines. Late submissions will not be reviewed or considered. All applicants are highly encouraged to attend the grant orientation prior to completing the application.
Grant Cycle Orientation |
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 2:00pm Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 11:00am |
Finance Review and Letter of Intent Window |
November 1 – November 30, 2023 |
Grant applications Opens |
January 15th, 2024 |
Grant application closes |
February 15th, 2024 at 12:00pm |
Finance Review
All agencies with intent to apply for funding must submit financial documentation for review no matter which funding area is being applied to. Acceptable documents are listed in the table below with qualifications for each document.
Notes |
Financial Audit |
$500,000 cash revenue or higher |
Financial Review |
Between $50,000 to $499,999 cash revenue. |
Financial Compilation |
Under $50,000 cash revenue |
Tax Form 990 |
990 Extension Confirmation |
Only needed if current year 990 is not complete. |
Operational Budget |
Planned budget for the organization as a whole |
Program Budget |
Planned budget for the program United Way dollars would be applied. |
Finance Review Criteria:
Applicants will be reviewed on the following:
- Ability to provide up to date, clean audit or review documentation with a matching 990 tax form
- Demonstrate organizational fiscal responsibility
- Provide an organizational budget for the grant year funds will be spend in
- Provide a program budget with all program funding sources, demonstrating program sustainability.
Letter of Intent
Programs that have been funded within the last 3 grant cycles, have not been flagged for any issues in the Financial Review process within the last 3 years, and those with no major programmatic change to the service delivery of the program do not need to submit a Letter of Intent for the FY25 Community Impact Grant.
The following are required to submit the Letter of Intent:
- Programs that have not been funded within the last 3 funding cycles
- Programs that have been dismissed as a funded partner or flagged for issues within the Financial Review process
- Programs that are being proposed under a different funding area than what was awarded in the previous year
- Upon request of the Community Impact Committee
All program proposals are reviewed by Community Impact volunteers. LOI’s that do not meet the outlined requirements will not be considered nor invited to apply for funding. Programs that do not submit an LOI that do not meet the exemption criteria will lose 25 points from their total grant score.
Letter of Intent should:
- Be written on organizational letterhead
- Be no longer than two pages, typed, 12-point font, single spaced.
- Include narrative information regarding the program, community need for the program, indication of requested amount of funds, and the best contact information for the grant writer or manager.
Applicants that pass both the Finance Review and Letter of Intent approval will be invited to apply for funding through the Grant Application. All application documents are housed through the e-CImpact portal.
Applications will include, but are not limited to, a full program logic model, program budget, target numbers for participants and services provided.
Late applications will not be accepted. All applications are reviewed by the Community Impact Grant review teams. Applicants will be invited to a virtual orientation prior to the opening of the grant cycle to review requirements, changes, and address any questions.
For information about the upcoming grant cycle and the application timeline, please contact Kaci Pena, Director of Community Engagement.
Funding Areas and Terms
The Community Impact grant focuses funding programs providing solutions in four areas – basic needs, education, financial stability, and health. Programs aligned with each funding area should be targeting specific audiences within the community to provide quality care, while lifting the quality of life in Baytown and Chambers County.
Basic Needs
Objective: Residents in our community have access to programs and services that provide basic life necessities.
Focus: Access to crisis management services, stable housing, fresh food, and clean clothes.
Targets: Fund local programs that work directly with individuals and families who need:
- temporary assistance with short term housing
- emergency access to healthy foods
- clothing and shoes for school
- delivery programs to the homebound
- urgent and / or crisis response services (i.e. domestic violence or assault response, disaster care, etc.)
Reporting: The Basic Needs grant is an output focused grant with unique reporting as compared to other funding areas. Reporting will be limited due to the emergency, need based nature of the services provided. Reports include, but not limited to:
- Number of services delivered through the program
- Number of unduplicated individuals impacted by zip code
- Budget expenses
- At least one impact story from the quarter
Grant funding is competitive, and not guaranteed.
United Way dollars are considered unrestricted*; however, expense reporting must be submitted at the Q2 and Q4 reports of the grant cycle to demonstrate how United Way dollars are being used, all grant awarded dollars must be spent in the grant window. Unused funds must be returned to United Way at the end of the grant year.
*Dollars awarded through the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County must be used within the scope of the program cost, but are available to cover administrative cost.
Objective: Residents in our community will have access to programs and services that support learners of all ages.
Focus: Access to college readiness programs for students of all ages, and support services for students K-12th grade.
Targets: Provide funding to local programs that:
- provide before and after school services for students in K-12th grade
- support students to increase the likelihood of high school graduation
- support toward identifying a path to employment through higher education or vocational programs
- financial assistance for educational opportunities
Reporting: Funded partners with Education grants are expected to report quarterly. Reports will include, but are not limited to:
- unduplicated number of individuals served by zip code
- total services provided by quarter
- benchmark indicators for program effectiveness
- budget expense reporting
- at least one unique impact story from the quarter
Grant funding is competitive, and not guaranteed.
United Way dollars are considered unrestricted*; however, expense reporting must be submitted at the Q2 and Q4 reports of the grant cycle to demonstrate how United Way dollars are being used, all grant awarded dollars must be spent in the grant window. Unused funds must be returned to United Way at the end of the grant year.
*Dollars awarded through the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County must be used within the scope of the program cost, but are available to cover administrative cost.
Financial Stability
Objective: Residents of our community will have access to resources to help them become financially stable and rise out of ALICE status.
Focus: Access to stable shelter, financial literacy and coaching, career readiness programs and supports, childcare assistance, and educational and vocational supports to increase income.
Targets: Provide funding to local programs that provide:
- temporary transitional shelter leading towards permanent housing
- financial literacy education
- employment services such as resume building, career readiness, and transportation assistance
- financial coaching services
- case management assistance to navigate programs
- childcare assistance programs for working parents, or those in school
- short term financial assistance with rent, mortgage, and utilities
- tax preparation assistance
Reporting: Funded partners with Financial Stability grants are expected to report quarterly. Reports will include, but are not limited to:
- Unduplicated number of individuals served by zip code
- Total services provided by quarter
- Benchmark indicators for program effectiveness
- Budget expense reporting
- At least one unique impact story from the quarter
Grant funding is competitive, and not guaranteed.
United Way dollars are considered unrestricted*; however, expense reporting must be submitted at the Q2 and Q4 reports of the grant cycle to demonstrate how United Way dollars are being used, all grant awarded dollars must be spent in the grant window. Unused funds must be returned to United Way at the end of the grant year.
*Dollars awarded through the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County must be used within the scope of the program cost, but are available to cover administrative cost.
Objective: Residents in our community will have access to resources that promote overall health and healthy living.
Focus: Access to health care systems, clinics and services for mental, physical, and dental health, through in person and telehealth service models.
Targets: Provide funding for local programs that provide:
- access to telehealth and in person preventative health services, including mental health
- access to mental health services
- substance abuse programming, including preventative education and programming
- transportation assistance for health-related needs, including accessibility for homebound individuals
- access to specialized healthcare providers (i.e. women’s health, cancer screenings, dental services, indigent care, etc.)
- support for insurance enrollment and navigation
- prescription assistance
Reporting: Funded partners with Health grants are expected to report quarterly. Reports will include, but are not limited to:
- Unduplicated number of individuals served by zip code
- Total services provided by quarter
- Benchmark indicators for program effectiveness
- Budget expense reporting
- At least one unique impact story from the quarter
Grant funding is competitive, and not guaranteed.
United Way dollars are considered unrestricted*; however, expense reporting must be submitted at the Q2 and Q4 reports of the grant cycle to demonstrate how United Way dollars are being used, all grant awarded dollars must be spent in the grant window. Unused funds must be returned to United Way at the end of the grant year.
*Dollars awarded through the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County must be used within the scope of the program cost, but are available to cover administrative cost.