Quality Improvement Partnership Network

At United Way, we are conveners, bringing together communities, mobilizing volunteers, and enhancing life for individuals. We believe it is our job to bring together human service resource providers across our service area to network, collaborate, and convene around shared community issues.

The Quality Improvement Partnership Network (QIP) is a multipronged approach designed to bring resource providers from east Harris County through Chambers County together to tackle community issues, work collaboratively, and strengthen the collective capacity of services in our community. The QIP Network will focus on fostering cross community collaboration to lift individuals and the resources available to them.

The QIP Network is comprised of three components.

1. Resource Meetings: These meetings are designed to be a networking space that brings resource providers together from across the United Way service area. Human service organizations that provide services in the following zip codes are able to attend.

Zip Code Areas: 77514, 77520, 77521, 77522, 77523, 77560, 77562, 77580, 77597, 77661, 77665

Resource Meetings will be held quarterly. For more information on upcoming meetings and to register, click here! 

2. Monthly Newsletters: The goal of this network is to work collaboratively and across our shared community. Members of the QIP Network will receive a monthly newsletter where they can see resources, events, and important updates from agencies across the network. Agencies are able to submit announcements, flyers, and other materials to be included in the newsletter, keeping our network up to date on what is going in our community. 

3. Professional Development: One of the most impactful resources available to members of the QIP Network is access to free, quality professional development trainings held by United Way staff. United Way will host professional development opportunities monthly ranging in topics, locations, target audience, and length. There is something for everyone! For more information on training sessions and to register, click here! 

Upcoming Professional Development Sessions

1. AI 101: A Beginner's Workshop for Grant Professionals: September 5: 12:30 - 2:30pm at the United Way Offices: This webinar will give grant professionals an in-depth look at the new innovative tools through AI. It is designed for beginners with little to no experience using AI. This training is open to any grant writing staff members or board members who support grant efforts. Register here. 

Learning Objectives

  • the AI tools to consider, along with their strengths and weaknesses;
  • how to set up an account and communicate effectively with ChatGPT;
  • how to maintain privacy when using AI;
  • the first prompts to use when getting started;
  • how to edit grant proposals using AI;
  • how to generate an executive summary and letter of inquiry from previous proposals; and,
  • a roadmap to follow in order to develop experience using AI.

2. Developing Project Budgets That Make Sense: September 23, 12:30 – 2:00pm at the United Way Offices: Together, we will talk about best practices in creating project budgets for grant applications. This training is designed for beginner grant writers but is a good refresher for any staff who reviews or writes grants. This session is also an inside look for board members into the process of grant writing for an organization. Register here.

Learning objectives
how to create a program budget that covers all relevant costs;

  • how to write an approach and budget that mirror one another;
  • ways to identify matching funds; and,
  • ideas for sustainability.

3. Nonprofit Communication with Yellowbox: October 22, 1:00 - 2:30pm via Zoom: Telling your story is an important part of our work. Without community support, our organizations wouldn't exist. This virtual training will feature Yellowbox, a creative agency based in Houston and seated internationally. Yellowbox is the United Way GBACC marketing consultant that helps plan and implement all marketing efforts for the organization. This training is designed for any staff member, especially those who are directly involved in marketing efforts. We will discuss storytelling and marketing best practices for nonprofit professionals. Registration will open soon.

Learning objectives:

  • What makes a good story?
  • What should go on social media, and what shouldn't?
  • How often should my organization post and where?
  • How to make quality content on a budget