Capacity Building Microgrant

Capacity Building Microgrant

United Way GBACC is dedicated to supporting organizations and programs in Baytown and Chambers County that are fighting for the basic needs, health, education, and financial stability of every individual. Our new Capacity Building Microgrants are small, one time grants that allow for 501(c)(3) organizations to receive funding for programs and initiatives outside of the traditional Community Impact Grant. Capacity Building Microgrants are intended to meet immediate needs for agencies and programs that demonstrate significant impact in the capacity of the agency, programming, and community.

Any human service, 501(c)(3) non – profit organization within the 11-zip code service area of United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County can apply for up to $5000 for agency capacity building, program capacity building, or equity building. These funding areas are designated to help build strong agencies and programs while supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion across the Baytown and Chambers County areas.

Agencies wishing to apply must be a registered 501(c)(3) and serve on (or more) of the following zip codes:

77520, 77521, 77522, 77562, 77514, 77560, 77580, 77661, 77665, 77523, 77597.

Agencies can only receive one microgrant in a fiscal year. Agencies under the Community Impact Grant umbrella cannot apply for funding for a program already being funded through United Way GBACC. Funds cannot be used for solicitation events. All funds must be used for direct impact or programming cost. Grant dollars cannot be applied to overhead costs such as personnel, rent, or other utilities. Funds awarded through the Microgrant program cannot be used for recurring subscription costs. Funds granted must be the sole source of funding and match the cost of the proposed purchase. Grant funding must not be used for illicit purposes.

All application will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis by Community Impact Committee volunteers.

All dollars must be spent within 12 weeks of the award. Agencies will be required to submit a final report to United Way GBACC by the stated deadline upon approval. All applications and reports will be reviewed by Community Impact volunteers.

Agency Capacity Building

Agencies can apply for grant funding to support capacity building of the organizations mission. Examples of agency capacity building are:

    1. Staff and board development
      1. Trainings, facilitators, speakers, etc.
    2. New technology to enhance agency efficiency
      1. Computers, printers, etc.
    3. Database enhancement or implementation
      1. Data sharing software, Microsoft 365, etc.
    4. Community based volunteer events

Program Capacity Building

Agencies are able to apply for funding to support a specific program or initiative in their organization. Examples of program capacity are:

  1. Program equipment being used to serve target populations
  2. Program speakers, guests, or special programming
  3. Experiential learning opportunities
  4. Community based volunteer events

 Program Capacity Building Microgrant funds CANNOT support a program already funded through the Community Impact Grant.

Equity Building 

Agencies are able to apply for funding that will help support awareness and access of services to all individuals of our community. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are pillars of the work United Way GBACC endeavors to support. Examples of equity building programs are:

  1. Scholarships or subsidy for program costs for staff and clients served
  2. Programs and initiatives addressing disparities in underserved communities
  3. DEI Programming and initiatives
  4. Community based volunteer events

Equity Building Microgrant funds CANNOT support a program already funded through the Community Impact Grant.

All dollars must be spent within 12 weeks of the award. Agencies will be required to submit a final report to United Way GBACC on the 15th of the first month after the grant period has ended. All applications and reports will be reviewed by Community Impact volunteers.

Reporting will be scaled to reflect the amount of funding awarded as follows:

  1. Up to $1000
    1. Detailed expense report demonstrating uses of funds, including receipts
    2. Impact story and photos (required)
    3. Number of people served, services provided, zip code breakdowns (if applicable)
    4. Executive summary no less than 250 words describing the success/importance of the program and how the dollars spent support the “funding area” applied under.
  2. $1000 - $3,000
    1. Detailed expense report demonstrating uses of funds, including receipts
    2. Impact story and photos (required)
    3. Number of people served, services provided, zip code breakdowns (if applicable)
    4. Executive summary no less than 500 words describing the success/importance of the program and how the dollars spent support the “funding area” applied under.
  3. $3000 - $5000
    1. Detailed expense report demonstrating uses of funds, including receipts
    2. Impact story and photos (required)
    3. Number of people served, services provided, zip code breakdowns (if applicable)
    4. Executive summary no less than 750 words describing the success/importance of the program and how the dollars spent support the “funding area” applied under.

Applications will be open starting August 1, 2024. Application requirements are as follows:

  1. Agencies must be able to provide the following:
    1. 501(c)(3) certification
    2. 990 tax documentation from the most current tax filing
    3. Board approved DEI statement OR DEI questions in grant questionnaire
    4. A filled-out Budget Template and quote of requested items from the intended supplier.
      1. ​​​​​​​Please utilize the budget template linked above in bold blue.
  2. Applications will include:
  1. Agency name, mission, and vision
  2. Funding requested
  3. Funding category
    1. Agency capacity
    2. Program capacity
    3. Equity building
  4. Case for funding statement, demonstrating support for the overall mission of United Way, alignment with the funding category chosen, and a demonstrated need for the request.
  5. Breakdown of the total lives touched, services provided, and geographic breakdown of services.

For questions or to request more information, please contact Diana Molina, Community Impact and Investments Coordinator.